DSC Names New Associate Director for Futuring

The Executive Committee of the Dominican Sisters Conference (DSC) and I are delighted to announce the new Associate Director for Futuring, Sr. Lisa Kane, OP. Lisa will work closely with the Futuring Leadership Team and the Cohort Under 70, providing leadership and assistance to envision our present and future together and fostering vowed Dominican Life.

In her own words, Lisa is “highly motivated and eager to promote the Dominican charism and the future of OP life.” A Dominican Sister of Racine who professed her perpetual vows in 2005, Lisa is an active member of Cohort Under 70 and comes to this Associate Director position with extensive leadership experience. She is a member of the DSC Executive Committee representing Sisters-at-Large and is serving as the Chair of the DSC Finance Committee. 

Lisa served in the Leadership Team as one of the Vice-Presidents of her own Congregation. During that time, she worked on establishing partnerships and collaboration with entities committed to social justice mission, i.e., LCWR Contemporary Religious Life Committee, Wisconsin Religious Collaboration (WRC), DSC Futuring Leadership Team. Lisa was part of the ‘Futuring’ efforts for the CDN (Collaborative Dominican Novitiate) and Dominican Volunteers (DVUSA). She is an active member of the DSC Associates & Sisters Committee. 

“Lisa loves being Dominican and cares deeply about the future of the Family.  I think she would bring all her gifts to facilitating the work of the Dominican Sisters Conference (DSC) Futuring Leadership Team,” says Maryann A. McMahon, OP, President of the Dominican Sisters of Racine. She continues, “Lisa believes we need to collaborate together to live into our future.  The era of everyone in their silos no longer exists.”  

Lisa holds a Master of Art in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University in Chicago, IL, and two Bachelors of Arts, one on Religious Studies and the other on Psychology, both from Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI. As Maryann says, “Lisa has worked as a counselor with many people on the margins, e.g., prisoners, addicts of all varieties, etc.  She is very relational in all types of settings.  She respects and values diversity in all its forms.”

With a great hope for our Dominican Vowed Life present and future, we welcome Lisa with her many gifts to this position, and we hold her in our prayers for success at this very exciting time for the Dominican Sisters Conference.

Xiomara Méndez Hernández, OP

Executive Director